• Donnelly Vittrup posted an update 3 weeks, 6 days ago

    Buying a Cheap Double Buggy

    A little extra on a tandem stroller will ensure it lasts for many years and is still worth its price. The Uppababy Vista V2 model is a top-rated stroller that can be converted into a single. It also has another seat, called the RumbleSeat that adds flexibility.

    It has a decent recline for the seat, as well as a huge canopy with UPF protection 50+ and peekaboo window. It folds up easily and compactly.


    A good double buggy is a lifesaver when you have two young kids in tow and shouldn’t break the bank. It is also important to consider the cost of car seats or carrycots, and the cost of the buggy. But even if you do, there are many options that won’t break the bank.

    An excellent option if you are looking to cut costs is the UPPAbaby Vista 2 – it’s an incredible value at under PS1,000 and can take twins, one baby and one toddler or three children (with the ‘PiggyBack’ boards, which you buy separately). It’s the lightest tandem available. The footprint is similar to that of one pushchair, which means it can easily be moved through doors and shopping aisles.

    The iCandy Orange double buggies are another option. It has 30 different seating configurations and soft suspension that makes kerbs simple. It can also be converted from single to double so it can grow with your family and can even add a third child to the back.


    You can still find some gorgeous double buggies for a budget. Many of them look beautiful and are also very durable. You can also enjoy a good resale price by choosing a reputable brand.

    The UPPAbaby Vista 2 double stroller is one of the most affordable double strollers on the market. It comes in a range of colours and is really elegant to look at. single to double pushchair ” can be added to create a triple buggy. It can hold twins or a toddler, as well as the baby or child in a car seat for an infant. This is a perfect double buggy for city use because it has a small frame that fits through the majority of doors and cope with shopping aisles buses, trains and even busses.

    Another popular option is the iCandy Peach. It is a light alternative that costs less than PS300, including the adaptors for carseats. It can also be used a single and has some nice features such as a large, spacious shopping basket, front suspension and UPF 50+ sunshades that have peekaboo windows. There is a nice cup holder that is one-parent and the seats can be positioned to face each other or away from each other.

    Side-by-side double buggies cost more but are usually more maneuverable than other types. They may be wider and therefore may not be able to pass through doors with narrow openings. They are more suitable for older children who prefer to sit with their parents. The Mountain Buggy Duet has one of the tiniest sides-by-sides on the market.

    Sites like Rebelstork offer some of the most popular double strollers for sale at affordable prices. They sell open box and overstock items as well as new models, so you can try before buying. They offer a trade-in program that allows you to receive a discount on your purchase if you decide upgrade.


    The Joie Evalite Duo pushchair is a great choice if you are on a budget but still want to be able to accommodate your children (and aren’t averse to the slightly larger size). It folds easily, is lightweight and comfortable to drive. It offers ample storage for two children, a generous UPF 50+ canopy that has a windows that peek out, reclining seats which are easy to adjust and a clever brake lever that is located on the handlebar. All this at a price well below PS1000.

    If you are looking for a low-cost double buggy that can fit infant car seats such as the iCandy Orange Wave is another suitable option. Its sleek frame can be expanded in size to accommodate two seats or a stroller seat with an option bassinet. It can even accommodate up to three kids if you add on UPPAbaby’s ‘PiggyBack’ running board for children who are older (you buy it separately).

    Seat and carrycot are positioned in a row, so that your children can see each the other and you can keep a close eye on them. This reduces the chance of them becoming confused. It’s also the tiniest on the market. This means it’ll fit through most doors and be maneuvered around corners with ease. However, it does feel long and heavy to push when in double mode and isn’t as effective on uneven or rough terrain as our other best-value double buggies.

    This is a great mid-priced choice and our top-rated double stroller. It’s light, has an integrated shopping basket, and it can accommodate two child car seats, or one toddler and one baby. It comes with a comfortable seat with big wheels on the back that are able to be more robust than some of our more compact models. It folds down into the compact self-standing shape and has a convenient carry strap that allows for easy schlepping. It’s not as spacious or as high-end as other top-quality doubles but it’s still an excellent value.


    Check that the double buggy meets all safety standards before purchasing it. The safety straps as well as the way in which the seats adapt to your child’s needs are crucial. Also, check if the seats have different recline positions for each age group. Find large storage baskets as well as pockets and other accessories you might find useful like sunshades and rain covers.

    If you’re planning to be using the buggy primarily around town or on public transport, make sure whether it is light and easy to move. You’ll also want to consider the weight of the buggy once it’s fully loaded, and if it is able to be folded and fitted in your car boot. If you plan to use the buggy in smaller towns and villages, make sure that the wheels well-grip and that they can traverse narrow roads and doorways.

    There are many types of double buggies, but the most popular is the side-by-side model. They tend to be larger and more difficult to push, but they have the benefit of each child being able to see. These can be very expensive.

    Tandem buggies are an alternative and they have the children positioned next to each other. It is more comfortable for older kids, but the buggy is less stable. It can be a challenge to get them through narrow doors, and up and down kerbs.

    The iCandy Peach is one of the top double buggies in sales and is a stylish bit of kit that has many unique features. This includes a built-in riding board as well as ‘cinema seating’. 30 seating configurations. It will even hold a third child! It’s also lightweight and has good suspension. It can convert from single to double by the purchase of an additional seat.

    Mountain Buggy Duet makes a excellent option for those looking for a sleeker, double buggy. It is the slimmest double buggy available and its footprint is similar to the footprint of a single buggy. It has several configurations that allow both children to be able to explore the world. It also has a handbrake that is convenient with an adjustable handlebar. With the addition of an adapter, it can also accommodate two infant car seats.

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